Nearpod #6

 This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically Nearpod in the software mentioned by Secondary School teachers list. We have been talking about the SAMR model in class. I believe that Nearpod is an Redefinition because the teacher can use the website for so many things to do with curriculum and it also gives students the ability to work at their own pace. 

Nearpod is a online learning platform that allows teachers to create engaging lessons and deliver them to students in real-time or online. Teachers have the ability to upload a variety of resources, including videos, images, and interactive quizzes, and use them to create dynamic and interactive lessons that keep students engaged and motivated. Students can participate in Nearpod lessons using a variety of devices and can provide instant feedback to the teacher through interactive features like polls and open-ended questions. Nearpod also allows teachers to track the progress of the students.

There is so much content on the Nearpod website, so rather than showing pictures I decided to show the video below, because I feel like it does a good job of giving an overview of the website.

I believe this website is easy to use once you use it for a while because there is so much to explore that it can seem overwhelming. But once you get the hang of it it is a great tool for teachers.

I think this website has the most versatility of all the websites have explored so far. It has lesson plans, games, polls, etc. I could go on and on about how much is on this website that you really need to explore it to understand. 

I will definitely be using this in my future classroom because it is a very helpful tool to keep track of students growth as well as letting students work at a pace that is best for them. 


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