emaze.com #11

This blog entry is about a tool of my own interest from the list of Learning- Information Processing Technologies provided by Dr. Wang. I chose the website emaze.com
. In class we discussed the L of TLC which is Learning. We also talked about PICRAT, and I believe this website would be considered Amplifies and Creative. I think this because it is allowing students to be creative when making their presentations. I think it amplifies because it is improving their information processing.

This website is a presentation builder similar to google slides but offers different templates and additives. It includes a variety of templates, 3-D effects, video backgrounds, audio and interactive elements. It is a free website and similarly to google slides multiple people can be working on a presentation at once. 
I believe this website is very easy to use once you get your account set up. For some reason when I was making my account the email code, they are supposed to send to confirm my email wouldn't send for a long time. I'm not sure if that was an issue with my Wi-Fi or the website was having issues. 

I think the versatility of this website is good. It allows a variety of uses because of the different templates and options. 

I will definitely use this website in my future classroom because of the ability to create very engaging and eye-catching presentations that will keep the student's attention.


  1. Hi Emily!
    This seems like a cool tool to explore for teachers looking for presentation formats with more variety than google slides. This seems like a fun way to present content and allow your students too as well!

  2. Hey Emily B.
    This a cool tool that could make presentations more enjoyable than your typical presentation tools, the tool does seem very versatile and the reason you gave for why you'd use it in the classroom is a valid one as using a visually appealing tool in a classroom to keep the students attention is valid.


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