Mindmaps.app (T3 technology) #1

 This blog entry is about a tool of my own interest from the list of T3 Instructing Technologies provided by Dr. Wang. I chose the website mindmaps.app. In class we discussed the T of TLC which is teaching. We also learned about the 7-Events framework for T3-Instructing. This tool can be used for #5 of the 7-Events framework which is eliciting the desired behavior.  

This website is used to create mind maps very easily. What is shown in the screenshot below is all the website has to offer. You simply type in the desired topic in the center bubble and then click and hold the red dot to drag the next colored line. You can create as many branches as you want. 

Students can then hit the mind maps dropdown bar and click "export as image". Then right click on the picture and click "save image as" and save to their computer to print or turn in online. 

For overall ease of use this website lands pretty high. It is extremely simple to use and doesn't require an account. It only has the one page with very few buttons to press. 

But for versatility I believe this is where this website lacks. Because it is free and simple that means there really isn't much to it. You can't add lines to connect topics and you can't add any extra images to make it more interesting or appealing. If you need a quick and easy mind map it does the job, but I think there are much better options out there.

As for the probability that I will use this technology in my future classroom, I would say a pretty low chance. After playing around with this website I would prefer to look for a different website with a similar concept.  

Website : https://www.mindmaps.app/  


  1. Hi Emily!
    I liked this tool when you presented it in class, and this blog post was helpful with extra details about it! The ease of use is definitely a super appealing factor because I think kids of all ages would be able to use it. I also liked that after exploring the technology, you gave it an honest assessment and said you weren't likely to use it. Great job!

  2. Hello Emily Brady,
    I have to say this tool you presented in class is very fascinating and has many cool uses, you gave many reasons why the tool is great but then you also stated what the tool lacks which I also find interesting of you for doing, they way you connected the tool to the 7-event framework worked really well, overall great blog post.


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