
This blog entry is about a tool of my own interest from the list of Learning- Creativity Technologies provided by Dr. Wang. I chose the website In class we discussed the C of TLC which is Creativity. We also talked about PICRAT and I believe this website would be considered Replaces and Creative. I think this because it is simply creating a collage online rather than on paper and it lets the students be creative with a topic. 

This website is a online collage maker. It allows many different images and can have customized text as well as many other customizations. 

This is an example of a collage I made about space. 

This website was extremely easy to use. It doesn't have a lot of components to it so there is no confusion that I could find.

I don't think this website it super versatile. I think it is a good tool for students to create a visual on a topic but doesn't teach a whole lot in my opinion. Teachers could use this tool to create images to excite students on the topic they are about to learn. 

I might use this website in my future classroom but I believe there might be a better version out there, so I would like to do some more research. 



  1. Hi Emily! I think this is a really cool tool! I have never heard of it before. I like the ability to digitally create a collage, I think that is a lot nicer than on paper.

  2. Hi Emily!
    This looks like such a fun tool to do as an assignment for the students to create a little display about a topic. Maybe like about an animal, and they can do their habitat, and the food they eat with the animal in there. It looks like a very engaging tool for students.

  3. Hi Emily!
    This is an interesting collage tool that could be fun for students to make visuals with to help their learning. I liked your honest assessment about there possibly being better tools that serve the same function since that is a huge part of trying new technologies. Good job!

  4. Hey Emily, great information! I have never heard about It seems like a great way to create collages. I will definitely look into it.

  5. Hello Emily! I have never heard of this before! I think this is a great resource for students to create some beautiful pieces!


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