Wordart.com (L1 Technology) #2

This blog entry is about a tool of my own interest from the list of L1 Instructing Technologies provided by Dr. Wang. I chose the website Wordart.com. In class we discussed the L of TLC which is learning. This tool can be used for information processing by activating prior knowledge. 

This website is used to create word clouds. Word clouds give a visual representation of a topic while highlighting the important and most frequent words. This website is a great tool for teachers to create posters for their classrooms for students to activate their prior knowledge of the topic when they look at it.  

The first step is to create a free account so that you can save the work you create.

Then hit "+create"

You can then type as many words as you want to be in your word cloud. Note: every time you edit something you have to hit visualize to actually see a change. You can also change the size of the word according to importance as well as the font.

Also a very cool thing about this website is the fact that you can chose the shape of the word cloud so that it correlates with the topic. There are so many different shapes to pick through.

There are many ways you can edit the word cloud, one being the direction of the words. You can also change the color and opacity of the picture and the words.

Lastly a cool component of this website is the ability to purchase your design. If you want to buy a poster with your word cloud on it for your classroom you easily can by clicking "order" and then "view all products."

I found this website to be very easy to use once you play around with it for a while. It took me a moment to figure out I needed to be pressing the visualize button but other than that it was very easy to understand. 

I think this tool has a lot of versatility. It has so many different options for shapes and endless words. It can be used by the teacher to create posters or the students can use it for an assignment. 

 I think the likelihood of using this tool in my classroom is very high. I can already imagine myself creating posters on topics we talk about in class. I think it is great way to remind students what we are learning about in a visually appealing and simple way.


  1. Hi Emily! I remember when you presented this technology during class, and think it's very cool! I love all the shape options, so you can correlate the shape of the word art with the topic you are writing about. I think this would be a great tool to use for creating posters to hang around the classroom, just like you said.


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