Google Forms #3

This blog entry is about a tool in Dr. Wang's PPT about previous T3PP results. Specifically  Google Forms in the Google Technologies list. Google forms can be used as a form of assessment, used to get feedback, or to find stats. All you need to use google forms is a google account.

There are many different templates that can be used on google forms. Some examples are exit tickets, assessments, worksheets, and course evaluations. 

You are able to customize the responses. (ex. short/long answers, multiple choice, check boxes, dropdown) 

As a teacher you can look at the students responses. There is also the option to create a quiz with points and correct answers so the website tells you what score the student receives. 

I found this website to be very easy to use. It is very straightforward with not a lot of pages to get lost. 

I think this tool has a lot of versatility. It can be used for data, assessment, exit slips, assignments, etc.. It is an easy way for teachers to get a quick understanding of where the students are at with the content. It can also be used if a teacher wants the students to vote on something. (ex. books, topics)

 I think the likelihood of using this tool in my classroom is very high. I have used this website many times throughout my schooling experience and even in college. It is a great tool that I would highly recommend. 


  1. Hi Emily,
    I have never heard of google forms! I have used it unknowingly with quizzes from teachers in the past. I think this will be useful for my future classroom. I will be looking into this a lot more. To get to know this more often.


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